10.5.24 - Steve McQueen at Dia Beacon, New York Opening this weekend, Steve McQueen will present a new work at Dia Beacon, co-commissioned by Dia and Schaulager, Laurenz Foundation.

Bass (2024) is comprised of 60 ceiling-mounted lightboxes that journey through the complete spectrum of visible light, in concert with a sound component created entirely with bass musical instruments. Installed in the vast subterranean space at Dia Beacon, the new work builds on McQueen’s past experiments into how light, colour, and sound affect and upend our perception of space, time, and ourselves, using the only the most basic, structural elements of film to transform the 30,000-square-foot gallery into an immersive environment. 

Following Dia Beacon, the commission will travel to Schaulager, Münchenstein, opening in June 2025.

The co-commission is accompanied by a catalogue, co-published with Schaulager, documenting the development of the work alongside essays and illustrations.

The exhibition at Dia Beacon will be complemented by a concurrent presentation at Dia Chelsea, opening on 20 September, featuring McQueen’s Sunshine State (2022) alongside a new work. The two exhibitions mark Dia’s 50th year and highlight the institution’s decades-long commitment to ambitious, single-artist presentations.

Steve McQueen

12 May 2024–14 April 2025

Dia Beacon
3 Beekman Street
New York
Further information