“Seeing Lynda Benglis's ad in Artforum in 1974 was one of the most pivotal moments of my career. I was in college in Buffalo & even the Albright-Knox Art Gallery which was one of the few local places to buy the magazine (and right across from where I went to school), had ripped out that page in the issues they were selling (I must have bought mine in NYC). She kicked ass!”
- Cindy Sherman
A complete overview of Lynda Benglis' work and life from the late 1960s to the present day, with more than 350 illustrations, about 20 historical or commissioned essays, an interview, famous and unseen archival material (magazine articles, photographs, letters, installation shots), and a complete chronology.
Since more than 30 years, Lynda Benglis (born in 1941 in Lake Charles, Louisiana, lives and works in New York), one of America's most important artists, a leader of Post Minimalism along with Richard Serra, Eva Hesse and Bruce Nauman, explores in her work a wide range of techniques and mediums, from wax abstract painting, to latex, polyurethane or metal sculpture, through video and performance footage.
This formal diversity expresses a complex and radical thinking about body, gender identity, representation of women and male dominance, beyond her feminist icon status since a series of sulphurous advertisements published with Robert Morris in the 1970s, including the famous and controversial ad in Artforum featuring her aggressively posed with a giant dildo and wearing only a pair of sunglasses.